Fresenius Kabi supports the World Home Artificial Nutrition Day

October 15, 2019

World Home Artificial Nutrition Day 2019

The World Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN) Day is taking place for the third time, October 15th. Fresenius Kabi supports this awareness day as it is directly in line with its corporate philosophy of “caring for life”.

Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN) describes the supply and, in some cases, the administering of clinical nutrition for patients in their respective homes. Whether a patient needs enteral or parenteral nutrition – HAN allows patients to be discharged from the hospital and continue their nutrition therapy in the comfort of their own home.

The day was established by PACIFHAN, the International Alliance of Patient Organisations for Chronic Intestinal Failure and Home Artificial Nutrition.

The level of independence that patients get access to through being able to administer artificial nutrition at home is essential for adults and children with long-term medical conditions, as they are not able to absorb enough nutrients from regular food.

In order to be part of a successful therapy, HAN requires a multi-team approach involving care givers, medical teams, homecare providers, and, of course, the patients.

In the following animation, you can find additional information about what home artificial nutrition is and how patients benefit from the treatment option.

For more information see: