Fresenius Kabi supports medical relief in Gaza and Syria

April 9, 2015

Since a decade the Gaza conflict claims many victims accompanied by a deteriorating economic situation and the majority of the local population is dependent on international aid. Parallel the ongoing civil war in S​yria has left millions of Syrians in need of aid. Both countries face a drastic maladministration in medical care. In the context of medical relief there is great need for vital infusion solutions for the treatment of patients.

Due to this dramatic situation Fresenius Kabi decided to donate lifesaving medicines to the aid organization “action medeor” e.V. The organization takes care of the medication transfer to local relief organizations in order to support various hospitals in Gaza and Syria with essential infusion solutions. In total, 150,000 bottles were shipped successfully in four 40 foot containers to Syria, another 4 containers are currently being shipped to Gaza. Further Fresenius Kabi is bearing a part of the transportation costs.

The Germany based organization action medeor provides basic drugs and medical equipment to people in developing countries. The organization is also involved in fighting against the poverty related and tropical diseases HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria. action medeor strongly depends on receiving donations to be able to provide various medical services throughout the world with vital medical support.​

Dirk Angemeer, Head of Export and Purchasing Department, action medeor: “We thank Fresenius Kabi for its generous support to world's most vulnerable people. This donation really makes a difference. We are looking forward to continuing our successful cooperation.”

Fresenius Kabi supports medical relief in Gaza and Syria

The newly set u​p c​​​amp hospit​al in Gaza provides first aid and vital medications