Calea UK and University Hospital Wales support home parenteral nutrition patients

December 20, 2017

Calea UK Patient Day

Calea UK, a subsidiary of Fresenius Kabi, and the Clinical Nutrition Team from the University Hospital Wales (UHW) hosted the 3rd Annual Home Parenteral Nutrition patient experience day in late October 2017.

Dr. Barney Hawthorne and Marc Williams from the UHW opened the event with talks that evoked several questions and contributions from the patients and their families. Afterwards, the more than 50 participants had time to network and learn from the Calea UK and UHW experts about a variety of topics, including traveling with home parenteral nutrition, new products and home care protocols.

Kerrie Easey, Business Development Manager for Calea UK, summed up the event, “Organizing the day in partnership with my colleagues and the Wales team was exciting and although I was nervous at the start, the day really lead to passion, learning, networking and admiration for our patients and families. It is very humbling listening to their stories and getting to understand their daily challenges. It was a truly inspirational day for all.”